The Gulp, Jekyll, Github Pages & Cloudflare Mixture

Simple, fast, flexible, secure & https. Total cost, $15AUD for domain registration.

Gulp Task runner
Gulp Task runner

Flexible, simple, fast, secure & https. Total cost, $15AUD for domain registration – Ian Teda

Web technologies for development hosting and security are vast. With proponents singing their own praises. At the start of my project [1] I looked around at the options.

Wordpress serves up over 26%[2] of the internet. Been there done that, so I crossed it off the list. No Good .

I almost settled on Ghost. The idea of playing around with Node.js tickled my fancy. But I balked at the hosting options, which cost money and are few. Hosting with DigitalOcean almost swayed me. Self hosting Ghost was a cheaper option, but both would require what time I have keeping the server up and current instead of creating content. So I cross Ghost off the list. No Good .

In the end, the technology stack I chose for my quiver includes Gulp for development, Jekyll as the web platform, Github Pages for the hosting, and Cloudfare for CDN and HTTPS. Total cost, $15AUD for domain registration. Tick .

Gulp (Development)

Jekyll comes with tooling out of the box to help with development, such as server reload on file change and SASS transpiling. But I wanted more flexibility (options) with my development workflow, so I piped in Gulp (did you see what I did there, Gulp joke). Using Gulp opened up my workflow to the Gulp ecosystem and 2,251 plugins in it.

Below is a list of the plugins in alphabetical order that I use:

  • autoprefixer: Write cleaner CSS by adding vender prefixes postCSS
  • Browsersync: Live reload CSS and keep multiple browsers & devices in sync
  • Concat: Join multiple files into one CSS & JavaScript
  • css-mqpacker: Pack the same CSS media query rules into one media query rule postCSS
  • csswring: Delete unneed characters in my CSS file with source maps postCSS
  • eslint: Lint my JavaScript
  • eslint-config-google: Lint my JavaScript using the Google style guide
  • gh-pages: Publish the website build to Github Pages
  • Gzip: Compress the deployed files to reduce load time – i.e. html and JavaScript
  • htmlmin: Delete unneeded characters in my html
  • Imagemin: Minify my PNG, JPEG, GIF and SVG images. I have some problems with this one.
  • Inject: Inject dynamic CSS and JavaScript file references into the html header and footer
  • postCSS: Transform CSS styles with JavaScript plugins
  • SASS: Transpile SASS into CSS

Jekyll (Website)

I decided to use Jekyll when it dawned on me that to have a fast content management system (CMS) it needs a cache system. And what is a cache system? A static webpage generator - aka Jekyll. Since I don’t need access for multiple authors – which could still be done with Jekyll and Github, but would require more technical knowledge from the author – lets skip the whole database thing and go straight to generating the webpages on my local machine and uploading the build.

By removing the database I reduced my cyber attack profile – no database calls – and simplifies hosting requirements. Opening up cheaper hosting options.

Jekyll is easy to setup on Mac and Linux machines but is a little bit more work on Windows[3]

Github Pages (Hosting)

Jekyll was written by Tom Preston-Werner, the co-founder of Github. So it isn’t surprising that Github supports hosting of Jekyll websites – known as Github Pages, which removes the need to generate webpages locally. However, Github Pages only allows a few Jekyll Gems (plugins) to run on their server. So I decided to develop locally and upload the build to GitHub Pages. I can do what ever I like now, it is my machine.

GitHub Pages also offers CDN and domain redirects[4], meaning speed and your own domain name. On top of all that the price is right, free.

Cloudfare (HTTPS/CDN)

Cloudfare makes your website faster and safer by offering DOS protection, shared SSL and CDN cache. They believe so deeply about a secure internet, they have a free tier plan[5]. Tick, tick and tick. They use a Universal SSL to secure the connection between your users and CloudFlare[6]. Giving your website a https address.

I used the linked guide for setting up my Jekyll / GitHub website with Clodflare[7].

  1. GitHub Repository for source code↩︎
  2. Usage of content management systems for websites↩︎
  3. Setting up Jekyll on Windows↩︎
  4. Set up subdomain Github↩︎
  5. CloudFlare Plans↩︎
  6. CloudFlare one-click SSL↩︎
  7. Free SSL for GitHub Pages with Custom Domains↩︎